Here are the main idea: Ming dynasty government adopts special frontier policy to set up seven garrisons in the west of Jiayu Pass is just because of its special situation of northwest frontier. 略论清代前期西北边疆的因俗而治政策认为:正是明代特殊的西北边疆形势,才使明政府采取了特殊的边疆政策&设置关西七卫。
Zhaojun going out of the frontier pass made the two nationality of Han and Xiongnu become peaceful and increased the cohesion of the Chinese nation constantly. 昭君出塞是汉匈两族从战争走向和平道路、中华民族凝聚力不断增强的结果;
Laozi was stopped by frontier guards when leaving Hangu Pass for the west, let go after writing down Tao Te Ching. 老子在西出函谷关时,被边防人员拦住,写下了《道德经》后才被放行。
In the past two thousand years, a profound cultural inheritance has been accrued around the literal quotation of Zhaojun going out of the frontier pass. 两千多年来,围绕昭君出塞这个典故形成了丰厚的文化积淀。